Providing Recreation & Beauty for Future Generations
Friends of SMARTrails is a 501(c)3 charitable organization whose sole purpose is to foster the development and successful operation of a non-motorized trail system in Manistee County (with the exception of snowmobiles when conditions permit). To achieve this end we rely solely on generous contributions from individuals, families, businesses and organizations.
Friends Membership Levels
Donor $75 ◊ Patron $100 ◊ Benefactor $250
Single $25 ◊ Family $50
Business Sponsor $500
Become a Friend of SMARTrails by donating in one of two easy ways:
Online Donations

To donate by credit card Online, simply click the “Donate” button below. If you would like to designate your contribution to the Endowment Fund or other special purpose, please enter that information when asked to “Add special instructions to the seller.”
Donate by Check
To pay by check, fill out the Check Donation Form PDF (see below) and mail it with your check to:
Friends of SMARTrails
PO Box 358
Bear Lake, MI 49614

You may also donation to us through the
Manistee County Community Foundation.